Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Second Life picture for CIS 120

Second Life is a virtual world. You can meet new people online, go "shopping" and all sorts of things. By joining you will be able to choose an avatar, change your appearance and even shop for a new better look. After joining they send you an email and you will be able to access your second life account and be able to engage in the online world!

In class we talked about what things make your computer run slowly. Things such as low RAM, needing to defrag and the evil VIRUSES. You need to scan your computer for a virus, your computer finds the virus when it finds a virus pattern. Programs are written in 1's and 0's, when a sequence of 1's and 0's runs in a certain order, a "virus sequence" your computer will alert you. That's the reason why we update our virus software, so that our computers can have the new list of "virus sequences". That's all I'm gonna say about that because it's beginnnig to go over my head, hahaha. This is my week 2 blog for my CIS 120 class.

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