After a long, miserable, stressful, frustrating day- car needing coolant, car dying as it idled, stupid, crazy traffic at school- i took a beautiful bubble bath. Dominic was sound asleep and my internet crapped out on me; so I poured a large sum of the rose scented bubble bath my sister gave me into a hot steamy bath.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I seriously need to do that more often.
Idk what it was about today, maybe it's cuz it was my first day back at school, but it was really hard for me to keep everything in perspective. Like, remembering that i have a Husband and this world is not my home- i've been trying to get things i need with my tax return money, like garbage bags, tupperware, sponges, etc. Well it feels like as soon as I get home i remember something i should've bought like, deodorant, (i'm a stinky girl!

) body wash, cooking sherry... ugh. Then when I got to psychology I realized I grabbed the wrong book- I'd bought the one for the sad psychology class and i'm taking the happy psychology class- went to try and return it in between classes, took one look at the lines and decided to head to class. WELL! Bad friggin idea!! I was
STUCK in that &;$^#^$#$@#!*$% parking lot for 20 minutes!

Not okay, not okay at all. Sigh.
I need to (as my math teacher Kellyn would say), "stay frosty" Ya know... "stay cool"

hahaha! not
THAT kinda cool, but seriously- sometimes i wish there was this little "emotion button" that i could flip off certain emotions when they became too strong for me. Like when I feel like I'm about to explode with anger
*ding* turn anger off! Or when I become infatuated with some poor unkowing young man to the point of stalking
*ding* turn infatuation/obsessiveness off! Yeah, that would be lovely.
Sometimes I don't even stop to pray like I ought, even though I know the days are evil, I know that Satan walks about seeking whom he may destroy, I know that Jesus could come back at a moment's notice. Will He come in clouds of glory as I'm flipping someone off in the COCC parking lot? Sheesh... how completely embarrassing.

(I didn't do that tho, WANTED TO, but didn't). In my quiet times I'm reading in Mark and I'm nearing the end, right as Judas betrays Jesus.
People are so mean to Judas- don't they understand we are all like him? At one point or another you betrayed Jesus. None is good, no not one. It's by
His mercy we receive forgiveness and by
His grace we receive power to overcome the desire to flip off stupid people in the COCC parking lot. We have overcome a whole lot more than just that, but we also have the power to overcome the little things, if we would but stop looking at the world through our narrow perspective and see it as Jesus sees it. It's nothing more than a choice. I can say that because I struggle with anger and I know its root.
When I'm angry, it's not like I've been caught off guard by this sudden rush of emotion-

it's because little by little i tell myself I am justified in my anger, and the more tiny pieces of anger i justify, the angrier I become, like fuel to a fire.

Every time I accept anger and agree that I should be angry, I sin. The only reason I am overcome by anger is because I have been too self righteous to admit that I've no right to hold any anger or unforgiveness towards anyone- not even the mail lady who almost mowed us down yesterday.

Seriously though, I hope that my actions constantly reflect the character of Christ. I love Him, I just wish He'd hurry up and come. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Hey girl! Im sorry it has been "one of those weeks" for me too...:( We can get through it!! Love you!
ReplyDeleteLove you too Kelly!! Come home soon. :)