Ok, so we've had a deep, serious past few blogs. Let's lighten up a bit and think about some good things- like blueberries. Have you recently grabbed a handful of fresh, organic blueberries? Have you felt their sweet and slightly sour blissful juices BURST in your mouth recently? Mmm... now I know why Dominic loves them so much! Seriously, nothing does it like a blueberry.
Dominc's diet consists largely of blueberries, they are a reward, a snack, a precursor to breakfast, lunch, and dinner- yeah, blueberries are amazing. I think I should make a cake for Dominic, topped with white frosting and blueberries for his birthday. Like an angel food cake! Oh yay!!! Now I know what kind of cake we're doing for his 1st birthday,
WOO! All of you have to come!
Oh yeah, it wouldn't be a party without people! We're gonna do it Thursday the 17th, 4:30pm. We're gonna light snacks and cake! With BLUEBERRIES on it! 
Did i mention that blueberries are delicious!?
Dominic has had quite a day, we cut out his bottle this afternoon and switched to the sippy cup with half formula and half almond milk. He's been doing really good. We're still gonna have baba's at night before bed, and naps, but that's it. We're trying to phase it out. I also reapplied for OHP (kinda important).
Today I was going to try and find the paper my advisor gave me with the classes I'm supposed to register for on it... but I can't find that paper so I don't know what classes to register for. I called and made an appointment to see her! I also made an eye dr. appt FINALLY! Was a hectic stressful day to be honest- but I am attempting to look at the GOOD side of things. I've been working on this song, and I really like the lyrics. At first when I was singing it, I was singing it like it was from me to Jason... but then it changed like it was Jesus singing to me... it was really cool. I went back and altered it so the whole thing is basically a conversation between Jesus and me. It's not done, but here's what I got so far, enjoy!
Lift Up Your Face
"Lift up your face, let Me wipe away your tears,
Lift up your face, forget the former years,
For I will do a new thing,
My praises you will sing,
Life up your face, let Me hold your head in my hands,
Lift up your eyes to the God who understands.
Lift up your soul, to the One who made you whole,
Lift up your heart, to the One who set you apart,
Claimed you, called you, you are mine.
Do not fear the floods, you will not drown,
Or the fire, for you will not be burned,
I am the God who turned, your heart around.
Feed my sheep, feed my sheep.
Follow Me."
Jesus I love who You made me to be,
No matter how far I fall,
I can hear you call,
"Follow Me."
I will not fear the water,
'Cuz I know I'm Your daughter,
Lord walk me through the fire,
If that is Your desire.
I can still hear You call,
Through it all,
"Follow me, mind not others nor the former years,
"Come and let me wipe away your tears,
"Lift up your face, put your hope in me,
"Lift up your face- my child, you are free."
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