Okay so I've made a list of reasons why I should quit but now that I've made it since Tuesday and only smoked a total of 4 cigarettes (better than my 10-15 a day) I've decided to list reasons why I enjoy quitting, that way when I am tempted to pick up a cigarette I'll remember things that I could be doing instead and why i ENJOY them MORE than smoking.
1. I LOVE taking walks with Dominic, we will walk for 1-2 hours at a time, leisurely looking at plants growing along the different paths we take, explaining to him all the different things we see. I love lifting him up on my shoulders to see mountains, the river, or the cars racing under the overpass. I've never felt more relaxed or calm than when I am on a walk with my son. SOOOOOOO much more enjoyable and rewarding than cancer-causing cigarettes!
2. I love inhaling and exhaling fresh air without feeling tired, walking for hours without getting winded
3. I love smelling GOOD, no smoke in my hair, on my skin, clothes, face, Dominic likes snuggling much more now I've noticed and gives me lots of kisses
4. I love the freedom of not needing to have cigarettes or a lighter on my at all times
5. Everything tastes and smells better and I feel better, mentally, emotionally and physically. Not smoking makes me realize how strong I am mentally and emotionally and how many people out there love and support me. It has been a very positive experience!
6. I love brushing my teeth and smelling how clean my hands are, and knowing that my teeth are going to stay clean, or getting out of the shower and knowing that I will smell clean ALL DAY.
Okay, those are the reasons I can think of off the top of my head, but I know there are more. Thanks again to everyone who has been encouraging me and praying for me, I know that there are a lot of you, you guys rock!
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a ESV)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Update :)
For those kind souls who have been rooting for me to quit smoking cigarettes
THANK YOU! Every time I check my Facebook and see all the encouraging comments I remember that I am doing this for lots and lots of good reasons.
I did smoke one cigarette earlier this evening but that is all I've smoked in the past two days... I'm hoping to be completely done by the end of the week.
I found out that I did in fact get all A's this term- this is the first term of 12 credits that I managed to get ALL A's in! I usually get two A's and a B+ so this is a big deal for me, I worked really hard and am so glad I was able to accomplish this.
Now all I have left for school is to,
1. Get my CPR certification
2. Get my CNA certification
3. Pass the TEAS test
4. Apply to the nursing program in spring 2013
Since I drank coffee to curb my nicotine craving,
I am going to tell all of you lovely people my tentative plan on how I am going to accomplish those 4 things.
First of all, I owe back utilities, have to pay car insurance, get eye contacts, pay money to get my CPR certification since I need that to do the CNA certification this fall, blah, blah, blah, and this term I get less financial aid AND I can't do work study up at the college for extra income. SO- I am going to try to get a job for the summer. I will get my CNA-1 certificate fall term and my CNA-2 certificate winter term. I can then work as a CNA-2, take the TEAS test, apply and pray that I get into the nursing program. I'm debating applying to the nursing program in Portland as well as here in Bend, but even my adviser said it would be best if I could stay where I have a support group.
I agree, especially since my support group is so awesome.
(AKA you people who have read this far! WOOO!!! I love you guys!!!! I could not do all that I do without having so many people rooting me on, praying for me, and encouraging me every step of the way. Thank you.)
Dominic is getting enormous, as you may have seen on my Facebook he got his first bike, which he loves. I need to start potty training him, which will be difficult since I will hopefully be working this summer, but we'll work on it these next two weeks and see what we can do to get him started in the right direction. I'm kinda bummed that I have to work and miss out on spending time with Dominic, especially since this fall and winter term will be ridiculous... He's growing up so fast and it feels like I never spend enough quality time with him.
I wish I had a clone that could go to school and work for me so I could stay home and enjoy my son and make sure that he is being raised right. I know that I am my most severe critic, but no matter what any of my friends try to tell me, material wealth is NOT as important as time with my son. He doesn't need fancy things, all that matters are that his basic needs are met (which I have been doing), beyond that he needs his MOM more than nice clothes, more toys or a bigger house.
Unfortunately I don't know that I can meet those basic needs without a job this summer, even with school loans/grants and borrowing money from my parents, (my absolute favorite thing to do, sigh) it's really frustrating.
Please pray that I can get a job! The state will help with daycare if I'm working 20+ hours a week, let's hope I find something soon.
Remarkably I have run out of things to write about, but not energy. I best try and sleep since I am working tomorrow, I hope you all have a lovely day. Keep it real folks, keep it real.
I found out that I did in fact get all A's this term- this is the first term of 12 credits that I managed to get ALL A's in! I usually get two A's and a B+ so this is a big deal for me, I worked really hard and am so glad I was able to accomplish this.
1. Get my CPR certification
2. Get my CNA certification
3. Pass the TEAS test
4. Apply to the nursing program in spring 2013
Since I drank coffee to curb my nicotine craving,
First of all, I owe back utilities, have to pay car insurance, get eye contacts, pay money to get my CPR certification since I need that to do the CNA certification this fall, blah, blah, blah, and this term I get less financial aid AND I can't do work study up at the college for extra income. SO- I am going to try to get a job for the summer. I will get my CNA-1 certificate fall term and my CNA-2 certificate winter term. I can then work as a CNA-2, take the TEAS test, apply and pray that I get into the nursing program. I'm debating applying to the nursing program in Portland as well as here in Bend, but even my adviser said it would be best if I could stay where I have a support group.
I agree, especially since my support group is so awesome.
Dominic is getting enormous, as you may have seen on my Facebook he got his first bike, which he loves. I need to start potty training him, which will be difficult since I will hopefully be working this summer, but we'll work on it these next two weeks and see what we can do to get him started in the right direction. I'm kinda bummed that I have to work and miss out on spending time with Dominic, especially since this fall and winter term will be ridiculous... He's growing up so fast and it feels like I never spend enough quality time with him.
Unfortunately I don't know that I can meet those basic needs without a job this summer, even with school loans/grants and borrowing money from my parents, (my absolute favorite thing to do, sigh) it's really frustrating.
Remarkably I have run out of things to write about, but not energy. I best try and sleep since I am working tomorrow, I hope you all have a lovely day. Keep it real folks, keep it real.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Reasons to NOT SMOKE
Okay, I'm posting this here so that I can look back on it and remember all of the reasons why I made the choice to quit smoking cigarettes, that and i'm running out of activities to keep my mind off of smoking so I'm going to do this, I think it will help.
Reasons Why I Choose to Quit Smoking
1. I do not want Dominic to smoke later in life
2. I cannot afford any extra expenses, especially ones that are detrimental to my health
3. I hate smelling like smoke all the time
4. I hate the way my mouth and throat feel after smoking
5. I hate being dependent on cigarettes for stress relief
6. I hate being a disappointment to my friends and family
7. I enjoy smelling good
8. I have more energy to go on long walks
9. I don't get winded when I walk up hills
10. I'll have more money for important things like diapers and gas and be less of a drain on everyone
11. I will be a more reputable health care worker as a non-smoker by practicing what I preach
12. I will be at a lower risk for stroke
13. Lower risk for heart disease
14. Lower risk for osteroporosis
15. Lower risk for hypertension
16. Lower risk for lung, throat and mouth cancer
17. Lower risk of all cause mortality
18. My hair will smell good again
19. I won't be embarrassed by someone catching me in the act of smoking a cigarette if I never smoke at all
20. I will set a good example for my son
21. It will be one less thing to stress about, feel guilty about and talk about; one less burden in my life
Reasons Why I Choose to Quit Smoking
1. I do not want Dominic to smoke later in life
2. I cannot afford any extra expenses, especially ones that are detrimental to my health
3. I hate smelling like smoke all the time
4. I hate the way my mouth and throat feel after smoking
5. I hate being dependent on cigarettes for stress relief
6. I hate being a disappointment to my friends and family
7. I enjoy smelling good
8. I have more energy to go on long walks
9. I don't get winded when I walk up hills
10. I'll have more money for important things like diapers and gas and be less of a drain on everyone
11. I will be a more reputable health care worker as a non-smoker by practicing what I preach
12. I will be at a lower risk for stroke
13. Lower risk for heart disease
14. Lower risk for osteroporosis
15. Lower risk for hypertension
16. Lower risk for lung, throat and mouth cancer
17. Lower risk of all cause mortality
18. My hair will smell good again
19. I won't be embarrassed by someone catching me in the act of smoking a cigarette if I never smoke at all
20. I will set a good example for my son
21. It will be one less thing to stress about, feel guilty about and talk about; one less burden in my life
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